Hi, everyone. It's time for me to show you one of my strategies.
For Day...
First plant a row of Sunflowers. Then when the zombies come, plant a Wall-nut in front of it to keep it busy. Keep five rows open between the Sunflowers and the Wall-nut. Then plant a Peashooter in the first row you saved. Finish the row of Wall-nuts and finish two rows of Peashooters in the first and second rows. Then plant a row of Snow Peas in front of the Peashooters. Finally plant a row of Chompers behind the Wall-nuts. There's one row with no plants in it. Leave it open. Pole Vaulting Zombies usually are a problem but they'll get eaten by the Chompers since they vault over the Wall-nut.
If you wonder something about this strategy, let me know by posting a comment that has the words: Bulletin! Bulletin!